Tuesday 17 May 2016

Ships on the horizon!

Sunday 15 May.


I was wakened early but lay quietly until Moira woke up. I then went up top to get our early morning tea. I had slept well but still wasn't feeling good. I thought I should force myself to get up and at least do some easy walking around the track. Moira who isn't feeling too good either was reluctant to join me but I persuaded her. We just kept a pace at a bit more than a stroll, mainly to move our bodies and get some fresh air in our lungs. One thing that appeared today was other ships, two container vessels sailed in the opposite direction as we walked round. That's the first sign of life we have seen since leaving Walvis Bay.

Ship on horizon at sunrise.


After our walk and a shower we were both feeling a little better and ready for breakfast. We had it as usual in the buffet and while having our muesli someone at the next table pointed out the window and said they saw a whale. I looked to where they were indicating and noticed some movement in the water and a large black shape but it could have been anything.


When we finished breakfast we sat out at the stern and read for an hour before going to the theatre for a talk. This one was by the sport's medicine doctor and called 'Cholesterol and Statins'. He asked how many in the audience were on statins and the majority put up their hands. His talk wasn't very well structured and I found it difficult to follow any logical sequence. At the end I still wasn't sure about what is good cholesterol and what is bad and what it's supposed to do in the body. The only conclusion I drew from this and his previous lecture on drugs was avoid anything you have to take on a permanent basis. When he finished most of the audience stayed seated and we discovered that there was another talk following, this one by the Royal security guy, talking about the 'House of Windsor'. Moira didn't fancy it and went outside to read while I stayed. He didn't get his facts quite right as he started for some reason with Queen Anne and went right through to the present Royal Family, but the Windsors didn't start until sometime during the First World War when their name was too German and it was changed to Windsor, more British and patriotic. In some ways it was interesting but he tended to be a bit obsequious towards the Royals.


Moira was waiting at a table in the bar outside and we sat there and read until lunchtime. After lunch we went to the stern of the ship and stretched out on the loungers there. The loungers aren't at all comfortable and about an hour is all the body will take, we then moved to the bar on a lower deck to more comfortable chairs. Again as the afternoon wore on we both began to feel bad again and went to the cabin to lie down. It was a repeat of last night, when I got up to get ready for dinner I felt really bad and had to return to bed. Moira went up for dinner and brought back a sandwich, an apple and a cup of tea for me. I had that and then got to sleep, that was me until morning.



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