Saturday 14 May 2016

Another lazy day at sea.

Thursday 12 May.


I didn't waken up until 6:45 am this morning and Moira was still sound asleep. She wasn't too happy when I woke her to say it was too late to get coffee and nearly time for our walk. It took her a while to come round and reluctantly got up to get ready for walking. We stopped off on the way up to the track at the tea and coffee machines and had a cup there before starting.


It was another lovely morning and getting hotter by the day. We did our usual 30 minutes at a good pace then Moira was going to the pool again. I decided to join her instead of gym-ing but first I wanted to do a little running and see how my achilles tendon held out. My intention was to run the straight sections then walk round the bends at either end, hopefully this wouldn't put a stress on my tendon. I just did 2 laps, that was 4 'straights' but for some reason tended to run them very fast, I think it was the walk around the ends that gave me a recovery spell and I was able to push hard when I restarted. I was very happy with my effort and there wasn't any ill effects to my achilles. Once completed I joined Moira in the pool. The water was very warm and I was soon in but couldn't do any serious swimming; the pool was too small, only about 10 m. Moira was close to the rail holding on while doing her hip exercises. We were in for about 30 minutes then went down to the cabin to shower.

Poor seating layout in theatre.

There was a talk on in the theatre this morning at 10::00 am called 'Good and Bad Medicine' and we went to it after breakfast. The theatre was quite crowded and some people couldn't get a seat. The seating layout is different from our last cruise ship, the 'Opera'. It had the rows of seats set out like a normal theatre or cinema but the 'Sinfonia' has wide rows with a long bench type seat with individual swivel chairs in front of them, there are also fixed small glass topped tables placed at intervals between. This arrangement had cut down the number of seats and the tables make it awkward to move along the rows. The talk was very interesting and dealt with dubious research and claims by pharmaceutical companies selling drugs. Especially interesting was the background on thalidomide development and the subsequent disastrous side effects, and Tamiflu that was brought out to counter the 'bird flu' scare about 10 years ago.


I went to the disco lounge after the talk and Moira sat out on the deck in the sun to do her knitting. I had Moira's iPad that had the newspaper and after reading the sport results and news I tackled the crossword. I wasn't very successful with it today and only managed a few of the clues. There was another dance instruction class on and this morning I think it was the salsa, I just watched. When it finished Moira appeared and we went down for lunch.


In the afternoon we both sat in the disco lounge at a window looking out from the stern of the ship. We were moving along at a good speed from the wake produced but other than the white foam it was grey ocean all round. I gave up on the crossword and got back to my book. We read until nearly 4:00 pm when we went to the theatre for another talk. This was done by the entertainment director and was on 'Cons and Scams'. He was a good talker and made it extremely interesting. He covered internet scams, identity theft, credit card fraud and Ponzi schemes. The last was particularly interesting especially the history of how it got its name (from an Italian immigrant to the USA, called Ponzi, who set up a scheme buying and selling postal vouchers). When it finished it was back to our cabin to relax and read until dinner time.


After dinner in the buffet it was back to the theatre again for the evening show. It was the Classical Music group that we enjoyed a few days ago. About half of the repertoire was well known songs and it was one of the better performances that had been on. It was then back to our favourite bar with the woman that sings popular melodies in the background. I got back to my book and read until she finished her session. Then it was up to our cabin where we lay on the bed and read until time to turn out the lights. The clocks go back another hour but I didn't change our watches, so in the morning it will be an early walk on the track.




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