Wednesday 25 May 2016

Another sunny day on the Med.

Monday 23 May.


My birthday today and I got a card from MSC, I was expecting a free bottle of wine at least. I could order a cake but would have to pay for it.


It was another day at sea like yesterday with no land in sight but lots of ships on the horizons. Moira's GPS app on her phone showed us the route as we passed Sardinia and Sicily on the way to Malta. On the starboard side somewhere in the distance was the north coast of Africa and Tunisia but all land according to the info from the GPS was at least 200 kms away.


The weather was much the same as yesterday, blue skies but in the morning a cool breeze was blowing, mainly generated by the forward motion of the ship. After breakfast we again sat in our sheltered cosy corner and read until it was time to the talk on diet by the sports doctor. It was all right but I don't quite understand where they get the information that cavemen and the plains Indians of America were healthier than us because they only had a diet of meat. If they weren't fat or obese it was maybe because food was scarce and difficult to come by, so probably they didn't eat a lot.


When the lecture finished it was too early for lunch so we went to the seats next to the walking/running track. It was now warm and sunny and I lay back having taken off my top to get some more sun on my body. After lunch it was getting too hot and we sat in the shade on the pool deck. There were more stupid games later in the afternoon; trying to throw a tennis ball into beer mugs and a quiz where you had to identify animals from the sounds they made. This was followed by aerobics instructor leading a stretching session.


At about 5:30 pm we headed back to our cabin and had a glass of wine before going for dinner. With our meal there was the other two bottles of beer we bought yesterday to wash it down. The show tonight in the theatre was two pianists, 'A Handful of Keys', who think they are also comedians. We walked out the last time they were on so didn't bother going this time. Instead we went to the Sinfonia bar and it was the country pop duo again. After their first session there was a rock-n-roll dance class and when they came back for their next singing stint they played a lot of rock-n-roll numbers for them to practice what they had learnt. We got up and had a jive then later danced to the twist. It was a good evening and we called it a day about 9:00 pm when we got to our cabin and bunks to read for an hour with another glass of wine.




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