Tuesday 10 May 2016

Long stretch at sea!

Monday 9 May.


We were at sea today, no land in sight just ocean everywhere. It will be like this for the next 6 days before we reach our next port of call, Dakar in Senegal. The weather was much better today and when I went to get our early morning cup of coffee in was beginning to get light and the sky was cloudless.


After relaxing with our coffee and some reading we made our way up to the track overlooking the pool, again I joined Moira in a brisk walk. My achilles was slowly coming all right but I didn't want to risk running yet, I was still getting slight twinges of pain. We walked for about half an hour again at a good steady pace. After showering it was up to the buffet for breakfast.


After breakfast we stretched on a couple of loungers at the back of the ship. We were sheltered there from any breeze and there was a bit of shade from the sun which was starting to get quite hot. As we lay there we could see the white foaming wake from the ship stretch out far behind the stern. Moira was happy lying there knitting but I want to read my book and attempt the crossword in the 'Telegraph' that Moira had downloaded. Unfortunately in the sunshine it is practically impossible to see the screen on the iPad. Apple come out every year with a new and improved iPad why can't their experts update it with a screen you can see in sunlight? Also I wasn't comfortable on the lounger and moved to the cushioned seats in the disco lounge.


I sat in the lounge until lunchtime, finished the crossword and read some more of my book. I got this mystery novel from the Inverclyde online library, it was by Rebecca Tope 'The Troutbeck Testimony'. It was one of a series about murders in villages in the Lake District, not very good and I won't bother with the rest in the series. The lounge was quiet for most of the morning bar an hour before lunch when they had another latin American dance class. It wasn't too intrusive but I did keep glancing over to see what they were up to. It was a popular session but it was mostly women.


I met up with Moira again and we had our lunch in the buffet, a salad and cold meats. In the afternoon we split up again Moir went to sit in the sun on the upper deck while I returned to the disco lounge to continue reading. Mid-afternoon I found Moira sunning herself and knitting and told her I was heading for the gym. I spent an hour exercising; I warmed up on the bike for 10 minutes then did some work with dumbbells and then crunches on a mat. It was a small gym but there was enough normal equipment and weights to keep me busy and fit.


Moira was in the cabin when I got there and we relaxed until it was time for dinner. It was a nice enough meal we selected, I had chicken breast with salad and Moira chose the meat also with salad. The show in the theatre was now timed for 7:30 pm, 15 minutes later, this gave us longer to enjoy our meal and not having to rush.


The show tonight was classical music and was very good. There was a pianist and two playing violins accompanying four singers, two men and two females. They sang a few recognisable arias and songs, it was very enjoyable. I am not an expert on the quality of these singers but I assume that if they were top notch they wouldn't be singing on cruise ships. So do they deserve a standing ovation as if they were performing at a famous opera house or do people assume as it is classical music they must be good and a standing ovation is the required response.


After the show we went to a few of the bars and listened to the different singers in them. With these I can determine the standard and some are good but none great or again they wouldn't be singing on a cruise ship. We sat and listened until 10:00 pm when they started the evening quiz; we actually got up for a dance, a slow waltz so Moira's hip wasn't strained in any way with too much turning. After that it was back to our cabin and bed, still a long time at sea before we see land again.




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