Thursday 12 May 2016

3rd day at sea.

Wednesday 11 May.


It is getting hotter each day as we move closer to the equator. After our half hour walk this morning (we managed 10 laps) we were bathed in sweat. Moira decided she was then going to cool down in the swimming pool while I went to the gym. The pool isn't big enough to do much swimming but she wanted to do the exercises for her hip while holding on to the edge. One of the exercises with 'running' in the water, it is not recommended to run normally because of the impact on the ground but in the pool you perform the running action as the water supported you.


At the gym I warmed up with my routine with light dumbbells then worked on my legs and abs today. It was just a short session as I intended to go again in the afternoon for another 30 minute workout. When I got to the cabin I showered and when I finished Moira returned from her dip. After she had showered and dressed it was up to the buffet for breakfast. As soon as we finished eating we went to the disco lounge to wait for the line dancing class to start. Just before 10:00 am a woman announced that the venue had been changed and it was now in the Sinfonia bar.


When we got there it was still a few minutes before it started so Moira downloaded the 'Telegraph' while we waited. The line dancing instruction turned out to be a 'private' arrangement and not part of the cruise team's programme. It was one of the passengers who did it and he had quite a good turn out. The steps weren't difficult but when he started the music and I had to repeat the sequences I eventually got mixed up and had to watch others to pick up again where we were at; Moira seemed to be managing a lot better than me. He instructed us in two routines and with a bit of practice it should come all right eventually. We had done line dancing before in 'Tweni with Carol and Ray who we had stayed with in Cape Town. We picked up then so it shouldn't be too difficult now, it is quite good fun.


After our practice session of the line dancing we were dripping with sweat again. Moira wanted to sit outside on the deck to cool down but I decided to hang on there for the next instruction class that was on. It was Zulu singing and dancing and was done by the four Zulus who were in the show a couple of night's ago. I didn't take part but it was good fun watching and the dancing looked even easier than the line dancing. When it finished I went up to the disco lounge where the air conditioning keeps it cool and worked on the daily crossword in the paper. Moira met me there later when it was time for lunch.


In the afternoon we lay out on the loungers at the stern for an hour. After that time it became uncomfortable, they are quite hard. Last time on the cruise we took the pillows from the cabin to put under us and it was better, I will try that the next time. When we got too sore we went to the more comfortable seats in the disco lounge and continued reading there. At 4:00 pm I went for my second session at the gym. This time I worked on my chest and shoulders with some nice big weights. When I got back to the cabin Moira was there stretched out on the bed relaxing with her book. I went up top to the tea machines and got myself a cuppa to take back to drink while I also took it easy and read.


We had dinner in the buffet at the usual time then made our way to the theatre for the show. It was two pianists who either played on two pianos or together on one. They seemed to be quite accomplished musicians but thought they should also be comedians; that they were not! I put up with it for about 10 minutes and noticed that Moira wasn't enjoying it either, when they finished the number they were doing we both got up and walked out. It was quiet outside and not many people about, they were either dining or at the show. I wanted to sit somewhere quiet and read but Moira wanted to go to the bar on the deck below where the woman that we have liked was singing. We both read our books while she was on in the background and it was a pleasant hour.


We were both feeling tired and decided when she finished her session to just go to the cabin. There we lay on the bed and continued reading until 10:00 pm when I turned out the lights and we got to sleep.




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