Friday 17 June 2016

Tidying the garden.

Tuesday 14 June.


Moira was up first this morning and made the early cuppa. We had it in bed and read the paper which we downloaded. I hadn't got the TV in the bedroom set up yet and I watched the breakfast TV show on the iPad instead. After the sport's news I got up and made the breakfast.


After I had washed up the dishes I got into the garden for an hour and began pulling up weeds growing in the gravel and in the borders at the sides. At the same time Moira did the washing that had built up in the motorhome and hung it out, the weather was looking very nice early on but the forecast on TV said that there was to be rain later.


There was still a lot of stuff to get in from the 'van and we spent some time doing that. I got the laptop set up in the 'study' upstairs. After that we checked up on our bank accounts and saving but couldn't find any information on ISA's we have with Santander. We decided to go to their bank in Greenock after lunch and check on the balance for these accounts. Moira parked at Tesco's and we walked over to the bank in the mall to Santander. We found that all we had was £10 in one account, we had transferred the money last year to open the current accounts with Santander that offer good interest rates, and had forgotten about it. On the way back we went to the library in Port Glasgow and got some books to read.


When we got home I decided to have half an hour pulling weeds at the borders in the front garden. While I was doing that Ricky next door came out for a chat. I thanked him for cutting the hedges for me and he told me that he had also mown the lawn a couple of times. The spaces between the paving that Ricky had laid for me had weeds growing there. He said he had cleared the ones on his own side then filled in with a kind of grouting. It was called Postcrete and he said if I get a bag of it from B&Q he would grout the spaces on my side. At that point the rain that bad been forecast came on. I shouted to Moira to get her washing in and I finished off pulling more weeds before it got too heavy.


I started reading one of the books I got from the library. It was the next one in the Roy Grace detective series by Peter James that I've been reading called 'You Are Dead'. I stopped reading when Moira had the dinner ready and later watched the TV. After 'Mash' tonight we watched 'Springwatch' that was quite good. I was then going to read my book again but a good programme came on about immigration and the referendum. One interesting point was a statement that immigration had been encouraged to increase the work force in order to pay the pensions of the increasing number of the elderly population. I have been of the opinion for a while that the OAP is just a big Ponzi scheme where the people who are working pay the pensions of those retired. Like a Ponzi scheme when you run out of people paying in the whole enterprise collapses. When that programme finished it was time for bed.







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