Tuesday 14 June 2016

Enjoying the swings with Rhys.

Saturday 12 June.


It was 10:00 am when Margaret came to pick us up. She had been to the swimming pool with the boys; she said Rhys loves the water, but Ewan, though he goes in, isn't that keen. She had them in the car, Rhys was tired and sleeping after his swimming but Ewan was wide awake and full of life. We had been up early as usual, had breakfast and showered so were all ready to go when they arrived.



Rhys sound asleep.

Justin had gone to the gym and when he got back Margaret then went out for a 10 km run. After lunch Ewan was going to a birthday party for one of his little friends from nursery school who lived nearby. He was looking quite smart in his pork pie hat. Margaret was going with him and Justin was doing some running, hill training, so we were looking after Rhys. We took him in his push chair to the lake again and the swing park.

Ready for the birthday party.


We took the path that comes out at Cardiff High School then over to Roath Lake. Rhys had a bit of a cry just after we started but he cheered up and was haply enough afterwards. He wasn't interested in the ducks and the many dogs being walked but his face lit up when we reached the swings. He really loves getting pushed and swinging high and giggles away all the time. The only problem was ending the session, he didn't want to stop and there was some tears but they didn't last long. Moira bought iced cream cones at the van and she put a little spoonful on a cracker that Rhys had to eat. He wasn't sure about it at first but it melted over his fingers and after licking them discovered he liked it and enjoyed his flavoured cracker. We took the same route back and he was so quiet I thought he was sleeping but he was just looking around and happy.


Enjoying the swing.

Justin was back and was watching the Euro Cup game on TV between Wales and Slovakia. It was quite a good game and Wales won 2-1. Margaret got back with Ewan from the party about 6:00 pm. Ewan had a good time and had a bag with sweets and his piece of the birthday cake that he put in the fridge for tomorrow. The two boys were very tired after all their activities today and Margaret got them to bed before we sat down for dinner. We had steaks tonight with broccoli and there was some carbohydrate - garlic bread, it was very nice.


Margaret ran us to the campsite at 8:00 pm again. I made up the bed right away then watched the football on TV. It was England against Russia. It had already started and was goalless at the interval. England scored from a free kick early after the restart and it looked like it was going to be a win for them as Russia hadn't come near to scoring. At 90 minutes I got up to go to the toilet and take out my hearing aids to get ready for sleeping, it was then while I wasn't watching that Russia equalised in injury time. Poor England ! They are in the same group as Wales and play them next Thursday, if they lose they will be close to going out in the group stage.


I got to sleep happy with the result.










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