Wednesday 15 June 2016

Back in Scotland.

Monday 14 June.


I was up before 6:00 am and instead of making just a cup of tea I made the breakfast. Moira only wakened up when I had it ready. When we were finished I took down the bed, washed up while Moira unhooked the electrics. We had everything packed away and on the road for Scotland before 7:00 am. The only problem was the weather, it was raining and sometimes very heavily.


The roads to the M4 motorway were all right in the direction we were going, on the other side of the road it was nose to tail, probably heading into the city. When we got on the motorway it was busier and there were hold ups where traffic was joining at the various junctions and we were slowed down a lot. When we came off at Newport it was dual carriageway to the M50 then after a few miles joined the M5. Margaret had said if we got to the Birmingham junctions before 9:00 am there would be delays. We were there about 8:30 am and the traffic was light and we had no problems other than the rain which was coming in very heavy showers.


We stopped for a cup of tea after Birmingham but didn't hang about but drank our tea on the run. After Birmingham it was the M6, the traffic was a bit heavier until after the M62 to Manchester and Leeds. We had a few delays with road works and busy junctions with traffic joining. Later it was easier going and the weather improved. I continued until we were in Cumbria where I stopped for lunch at a service area.


When we got going again it was 160 km to go. It was now very nice with the sun shining brightly, I had to have my sunglasses on. There was only one more stop, at the services at Hamilton for the loo. With the M74 now going straight to the M8 at the southern end of the Kingston Bridge it was much faster and it was only 3:30 pm so the traffic was light, not the rush hour yet. We had spent six months in South Africa, cruised to seven countries and driven through France but still one of the best sights is the drive down the M8 when you get the first view of the Clyde and the mountains of Argyll on the other side and further down the river glimpses of Ben Lomond towering over the other peaks, it was good to be back.

The Firth of Clyde.


It was a surprise when we arrived home to find the front of the hedges nicely trimmed; Hugh next door was out and spoke to us. I asked him about the hedges and if he had cut them but he said it was Ricky on the other side who had done it. We began to unpack some things from the 'van that we would need, mainly the food from the fridge and cupboards. When we finished it was a cup of tea and I got the TV working. There was a lot of mail to go through but Suzy had separated most of it into junk and a small amount of important stuff.


For dinner tonight Moira went out for fish and chips. One portion was enough for us to share between us, they are huge. Later we relaxed watching the TV. After the normal programmes there was a Dalziel and Pascoe detective mystery on the Drama channel. I think I had seen it before but wasn't sure. It was quite good. We got to bed when it finished.






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