Sunday 19 June 2016

Lovely weather over the Clyde.

Friday 17 June.


The news on the TV was mainly about a MP and Remain campaigner, Jo Cox, who was shot and killed in her constituency. It was by a right wing nutter shouting 'Britain First' while shooting and stabbing her. This is the consequence of this EU Referendum where Nationalists like UKIP lend credence to these loonies and it brings them out of the woodwork.


After breakfast today we went out for a walk. I let Moira lead, not wanting to make changes in her route as I usually do. She wanted to walk at her pace and check out her other hip which was now giving her problems. She took a pain killer before we started and she was all right. We walked along the cycle path to Barr's Brae and down to the town. We headed from the town centre to Clune Brae and up the hill home. It was a good walk and Moira felt the benefit of it. The weather was very nice and clear, giving us outstanding views of the Firth as we made our way down into town.

Greenock, the Clyde and the Gareloch.
The River Clyde with Ben Lomond behind.


It had been lovely for the walk and when we got back I took further advantage of it and trimmed the back hedge between us and Hugh. The hedge had grown quite a bit and there was a lot to cut off, it filled the garden rubbish bin. When we came in Margaret called on FaceTime, both boys were up and about though Rhys still isn't speaking. Ewan was in tears by the end of the call, he wanted to come up to Scotland for a holiday with us and Hollie.


In the afternoon we relaxed and sat out in the conservatory and read. I am getting into my Peter James book, it is all right but all his plots seem to be much the same. In the evening we watched the TV though there wasn't much different on and I got back to my book again for an hour before getting to bed.





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